Friday, 2 May 2014

#Reflections 1

In our life,
We were destined to meet various type of people,
with different characteristics, attitudes, views and backgrounds they've gone through.
We people ARE different.
Even twins,
having same expression, face, and maybe style in appearances,
there can be slight difference in their attitude, and personalities.
I'm not giving a guarantee that it is true.

we ARE different.
I am,
different than you.
The way I act, react, expressions, feelings, habits, backgrounds etc etc.
So are you.
We've gone through DIFFERENT incidents in our life that molded us,
to become a better one.
or maybe the worse one?
Who knows?
Who can ever judge you till you felt down all the time?
Who can ever judge you till you felt like you're not belong wherever your life spins?
The answer is on you.
You decide it best.
You're not sure?
Wanna know my answer?
I'll keep it short and sweet.
"It is the view of Allah that you should've been cared about."
"He created you and knows you fitrah, and yet you put people's view upper than His?"

Yes, we ARE different.
That's the answer for an ultimate question asked by some people (or maybe more).
"Why do we become hurt easily when the person we loved most turn us down, ignored us or even shouted at  us?"
How many times in your life had you asked the same question?
Erm, some (or more) of you might never gone through this.
The answer is,
we ARE different.
There is a saying goes ; 'Treat people the way you wanted to be treated as'
Most of us understand that :
He/She (person we loved most) must treat us the very SAME way we treat him/her.
If I comfort him/her with understanding while she/he tells me the problem, she/he MUST do the same.
Ain't I right?  {If not, than you might don't need to read more below :) }

But the reality is that
that specific individual DID NOT do the same to you.
Whenever you tell she/he your problem,
she/he bring up jokes to cheer you up,
she/he just listen,
she/he give a corporate advice based on experience she/he had,
she/he just respond or react such that your actions are too, too, too dumb, immature etc etc
and other response you might have encountered.

If some of you had faced one of the response I have listed,
your feelings are on your own.
Our feelings are DIFFERENT, right?
It depends, actually.

If you're HURT,
let me tell you one of the secret ingredients of an efficient potion to heal it.
It is the truth that we are different !!

From differerent backgrounds, incidents we've encountered (bad or good) and experience,
of course we are not molded into the same personalities, chacteristics etc.
LEARNING TO ACCEPT these differents help us to know more our beloved ones.
Parents, siblings, spouse, BFF, friends, pets etc.

it can be that we're being hurt unintentionally.
the individual had gave the best of him/her for you,
but at the same time you might've seen the most cruel part of  him/her (I'm being dramatic again. jkjk)
So, the first step is not to think merely about yourself.

a strict warning!
When you're hurt because of him/her,
tell him/her at the first place!
so that he/she can repair it and understands you more.
the same way for that individual.

In relationships,
there must be gives and takes.
That's what balancing them!

When my sensitivity is at peak,
I seldom felt down,
felt that I've lost my friends,
I'm jotting down all these to remind me next time.
and can be a sharing with you!

xoxo, see y' all next time!